While representing London Elite, all coaches are expected to behave in a responsible manner. Determination of what is responsible lies solely with London Elite. Any coach damaging equipment owned by London Elite or any facility used by the Club during practices, tournaments, other functions, or a lodging facility will need to repair damages or reimburse the Club for damages in a timely manner (usually within one (1) week) before continuing participation in the Club. In some cases, the coach may be dismissed from the Club.
Athlete's Account
An athlete with a delinquent account during the current season may be denied participation in tournaments or practices until the account is paid or arrangements are made with the director.
The athlete's current season's account must be paid in full before the athlete may participate in any tournaments unless arrangements have been made with the director.
Delinquent accounts may also disallow membership for the next season.
Club fees are non-refundable.
Players are financially liable for the total cost upon written commitment to London Elite.
Practice Rules
Scheduled practice time is start time and not arrival time. Plan on arriving at least 15 minutes prior to the start of each practice. There may be a consequence for arriving late to practice and competitions (e.g., impact to playing time).
"Horseplay" by athletes or coaches at practice or tournaments is strictly prohibited.
All athletes are expected to make every effort to attend every practice. A serious illness that keeps the athlete home from school or a genuine family emergency are legitimate excuses for missing practice.
London Elite welcomes multi-sport athletes to participate and recognizes that conflicts will arise because of this. Athletes are expected to be at every practice they can be at and always communicate conflicts with the coach. Participating in even a portion of practice can make a difference for our athletes.
Regardless of the reason, if an athlete misses practice, their playing time may be affected. If you aren’t at practice getting better and earning playing time, this could show in tournament playing time. If an athlete cannot be at practice, either the athlete or a parent is expected to call the coach, before the start of practice.
In case of inclement weather, check with the coach for practice status. If practice is to be cancelled, please notify the director as soon as possible.
Tournament Rules
All athletes are expected to be in the gym, ready to warm-up, at the time relayed by the coach – NOT JUST ARRIVING at that time.
Athletes and/or parents are expected to provide transportation to and from tournament sites.
Athletes are not to leave the tournament site until excused by the coach.
If an athlete cannot be at a tournament, the athlete is expected to call the coach as soon as possible. It is the athlete's responsibility to reach the coach before the tournament starts.
Proper conduct is expected from all athletes, coaches, parents and fans at all times.
FACILIties management
Every coach is expected and required to remain in the gym until the entire team is dismissed from the facilities.
Playing Time
Coaches do not guarantee equal playing time on any team or at any event. London Elite's philosophy is that our coaches are the best qualified and equipped individuals to make playing time decisions. Playing time decision is left solely to the discretion of the London Elite coach. The coaching decision is not up for debate or question. Athletes are encouraged to ask what they can improve on to get more playing time.
Playing time for athletes is determined by:
Athlete's potential
Team's need at the moment
Team's needs in the future
Grievance Procedures
Competitive team athletics, by its very nature, creates an environment where athletes, parents and/or coaches may not be in agreement with all decisions made. Knowing when and how to communicate with the coach or director is a concern for almost every parent at some time during the season. Most often the concern is how to inquire about issues surrounding playing time.
Athletes are first encouraged to communicate with their coaches. Athletes are expected to discuss issues concerning playing time or any other volleyball related subject with their coaches first before escalation is needed. Parents are encouraged to communicate with the director only after exhausting all the recourses to resolve the problem.
Coaches are instructed not to discuss coaching decisions with parents. These coaching decisions include but are not limited to playing time, substitution patterns, team line-up decisions, etc. Coaches are not required to defend his/her thought process or conclusions at any time during the season.
Coaches are instructed not to engage in controversial discussions during tournaments. If a coach is approached during a tournament, he/she has been instructed to refuse to discuss any controversial matter and walk away.
Parents and Athletes are asked to adhere to the following grievance process:
The Athlete meets with the coach to discuss the matter. If the matter is not resolved or the athlete has a reasonable concern about speaking to the coach, then...
The parent meets with the coach to discuss the matter. If the matter is not resolved or the parent has reasonable concern about speaking to the coach, then...
The parent meets with the director. In certain situations, the director may ask either the coach or athlete (or both) to attend the meeting.
All decisions and recommendations by London Elite and the director are final and not subject to appeal.
It is inappropriate for an athlete or a parent to approach other London Elite members about a problem the athlete or a parent is having with a coach, about objections to coaching, or administrative decisions.
Tolerance Policy
London Elite does not tolerate hostile, aggressive confrontations between a coach and any official, parent/guardian, another coach, athlete, or another team's representative (including coach, athlete or parent). It is also understood that any extended family member including, but not limited to grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, or family friends, are to be held accountable by the persons signing this document. Violation of this policy may result in the coach or athlete being dismissed from London Elite.
Thank you for your cooperation!